Fitogether Secures $7.2M Investment to Expand EPTS in U.S. and Qatar Markets
Fitogether, a South Korean sports tech company, has secured an investment of KRW 9.7 billion (approximately USD 7.2 million). The investment came from new shareholders, including Woori Venture Partners, Smilegate Investment, KB Investment, KDB Capital, Woori Bank, and the Korea SMEs and Startups Agency (KOSME), alongside existing shareholder Hashed Ventures.

Fitogether is the developer of an Electronic Performance Tracking System (EPTS), which accurately tracks the positions of sports players and converts the data into insights for analyzing player movement, performance, and training. The company is certified in the EPTS category by the FIFA Quality Program and has earned the status of FIFA Preferred Provider.
The company has also signed a partnership agreement with Aspire Academy, a world-renowned soccer academy established by the Qatari government, which has attracted attention from leading clubs in the Middle East and Europe. Aspire Academy is Qatar’s largest sports development initiative, founded in 2004 under the leadership of the Qatari royal family. European clubs that reach the UEFA Champions League finals frequently train at Aspire, and their coaches come for specialized training as well. Aspire is home to state-of-the-art facilities and world-class coaching staff. Through this partnership, Fitogether plans to expand the use of its EPTS products and introduce player development and team management strategies based on ultra-precise positioning data to European clubs and national team coaches.
Fitogether was also one of the top three companies selected out of over 450 participants in the MLS Innovation Lab in the United States. In July 2024, the company demonstrated its EPTS technology to top players like Hugo Lloris, Barcelona’s Sergio Busquets, and Jordi Alba during the MLS All-Star Game.
Jinseong Yoon, CEO of Fitogether, stated, “With this investment, we will enhance the quality of our products and services while continuing our expansion into the U.S. and Qatari markets.”
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- EN
- Fitogether
- funding
- Hashed Ventures
- KB Investment
- KDB Capital
- Korea
- Korea SMEs and Startups Agency
- Korean startup
- mega funding
- Smilegate Investment
- sportstech
- Woori Bank
- Woori Venture Partners
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