Kworkpartners Secures USD 600,000 Seed Investment for Foreigner Support Platform ‘Kstart’

Kworkpartners, the operator of the comprehensive foreigner support platform ‘Kstart,’ announced on the 24th that it has secured a USD 600,000 (KRW 800 million) seed investment from KAIST Venture Investment Holdings.

Kstart is an innovative platform designed to assist foreign workers and international students residing in Korea, providing integrated services from pre-arrival preparations to daily life after settling in. The platform offers various features, including nationality-based communities, a life support call center, e-commerce, and financial services, to help foreigners adapt quickly to Korean society.

Joon-hyun Ahn, Director of KAIST Venture Investment, explained the investment rationale, stating, “Foreign labor has become an indispensable element in Korea’s economic and social structural changes. Kstart has spent years developing solutions to improve the settlement rate of foreigners by understanding their needs. We expect Kstart to establish itself as the leading platform for foreigners in Korea, leveraging its unique competitive edge.”

Kworkpartners meticulously prepared for about two years before officially launching Kstart in December last year. The platform currently provides a range of services to long-term foreign residents, including workers and students. This year, the company plans to expand its financial services, such as prepaid cards and insurance, while introducing job support and Korean language education services.

Seong-gon Jo, CEO of Kworkpartners, expressed his vision, saying, “Kstart will become an essential app for foreigners. We aim to help foreigners enjoy safe and convenient lives in Korea and ultimately contribute to their integration into local communities.”


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